One good approach to select a class to attend is to know the cases that are going to be discussed one day and attend a class that would have lot of students participation.
Before attending Babson, I attended a few classes in other schools. It was very good experience to assess my fit with the rest of the students and get a more realistic expectation of the classroom.
In Babson, we have had some case discussions that were far more involved than the others. All the cases in strategy and some in marketing were good and visitors would have learned a lot from those.
I hate those schools who fix up some uninteresting class to attend. In one of the schools, I was taken to a macro economic class that was boring to death. Likewise I would hate to see some prospective student in our ethics class.
After graduation..
16 years ago
Yes its true that attending specific classes do help prospective students to get a better idea and help him select the school he is looking for. In fact everyone must do this since mba is an investment - both in terms of time and money. But for international students this is expensive, but we are lucky to be in the internet age. Also thanks to mba students for updating with the progress in their respective schools.
Very valid point. That raises another important issue. The schools should open the curriculum, student discussions and even some of the lectures online for prospective students.
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