Monday, July 21, 2008

TechTalk blog

Some of our fellow TechTalk group members have started a blog. I hope we continue to be in touch through this blog.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Fun of reading

My course load this semester is not bad. Plus, I am enjoying the work as I have to read a lot for two of my courses, MTIE - Seminar and Capstone. I like the former more because of its quality of content. This week, we read about search, cloud computing, thinking machines and brain computer interface. You may wonder what the connection among these topics. Well, the theme is how a technology came into existence. Did someone "push", or did society "pull", or did some other entity enable. I wont get into the details of the class.

The fun part for me was in learning about Richard Feynman's role in thinking machines. I have read his books before and did not know about his role in computing. It is indeed a great quality to synthesize complex problems in to smaller pieces that you can work with.

For Capstone course, we have to read a lot of articles and the theme for the upcoming session is "Nations and Societies in Flux". To me, most of the materials covered were known.

PS: attention first years and soon to be Babson students: If you want to take this blog over after I graduate this May, contact me.