Here is my quick update. The symposium was organized by HBS. However, there were definitely out numbered by students from other schools: Babson, Boston U, Boston College and Ivey school from Canada. Google VP: Marissa Mayer did her PR about Google on her keynote speech. No major stuff from Google(except for the nice T shirt I got along with the Google's symposium bag). Personalizable search was more in the lines of "My Google". I was looking for some Web 2.0 and google search integration and there was not any mentioned.
I am not a big fan of panel discussions. Even the experienced take significant time opening their statement leaving very little room for discussion. The energy discussion was awful. One guy took almost 15 minutes bragging how Kleiner Perkins was enthusiastic in funding his efficiency idea.
Did not stay long in open source panel for it was too basic.
Startup fair had representation from very few companies. Why would a company come to HBS and hire for Engineers, QAs? Autodesk, platinum sponsor, was keen to push these positions to future MBAs.
I am glad the organizers cut the entry fee otherwise I would have rued wasting my money on this conference.
After graduation..
16 years ago
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